copenhagen cafe, travel trade Denmark
Superkilen, Travel Trade Denmark

Denmark for travel professionals

Foto:Malin Poppy Darcy Mörner / Copenhagen Media Center&Céline Au detour d'un chemin

Welcome to Visit Denmark's Travel Trade website. Here you'll find everything you need to promote Denmark as a destination to your customers, from itineraries to toolboxes, videos and images. If you sell Denmark, or want to, we're here to help.

We also provide specific toolboxes and support for the following countries:

Italy   France   Germany   China   USA   UK   Netherlands

Travel Trade Toolbox



Foto:Simone Juul Borring @simonejuulborring
Product Manual

Product Manual

Foto: Daniel Villadsen


Foto:Dennis Lundby
Incoming Agencies

Incoming Agencies

Foto:Stefan Asp


Foto:Martin Heiberg


Foto:Sophia Bergholm


Foto:Christian Faber

Practical Info

Foto:Mitch Wiesinger

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Please reach out to, and we'll be happy to help. 

Where are Denmark's best places to go?

Find your way around Denmark's cities, towns and islands, not forgetting Bornholm, the sunny island just off the south coast of Sweden.

Something is happening in the state of Denmark

And we promise it's better than what Shakespeare predicted! See below for upcoming events in Denmark and stay up to date with the latest travel trade news. 

Free e-learning solutions about Denmark

You don't have to live in Denmark to know your snegle from your spandauer. Our interactive courses will have you so knowledgeable, you'll be indistinguishable from the locals (and if you want to learn Danish too, there's always Duolingo...)

Now, what else do you need to know?

Need somewhere to stay for a discerning couple? Ideas on the best places to eat beside the sea? Or maybe you just want to delve into all the best ideas for a trip that will knock the socks off your clients. (You can also see our complete online catalogue here.)